Position: Post-Doc Research Fellow
Expertise: Semiotics, Game Studies and Experience
Gianmarco Thierry Giuliana
PostDoc Research Fellow
Semiotics, Game Studies and Experience
Gianmarco Thierry Giuliana is a PostDoc Research Fellow (“Assegnista di Ricerca”) at the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Turin, within the ERC Consolidator Project FACETS (Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies).
He is a semiotician specialized in virtual realities (including digital games, digital simulations and proper VR experiences), member of both CIRCe and AISS. He focuses his academic research on the meaningfulness of the cognitive and playful-interpretative activity of the users in such contexts and in relation with the experiential rhetoric characterizing these cultural artifacts.
He has published articles in peer reviewed journals of semiotics and in the peer reviewed library of the Digital Games Research Association. (DiGRA). He is an editor and author of the recently published book “Meaning-Making in Extended Reality. Senso e Virtualità” (2020). He has participated as a speaker at numerous academic conferences in Italy, France, Germany, Bulgaria, Sweden, Finland, Argentina and China.
He has also (and loves to) disseminated his expertise outside of the Accademia in several occasions in the context of professional training (in the field of healthcare with Psychotherapists and Physicians, and in the field of social work with educators) and in the broader context of public engagement (from high-schools to associations of artists).